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Why do you have Vacation Bible School at your church?

A good place to start would be with God’s Word. He tells us in Psalm 78:4-7 NLT :

“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His power and His mighty wonders. For He issued His laws to Jacob; He gave His instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them, even the children not yet born – and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.”

God planned it this way. He commanded us to teach our children, even those not yet born!

Here are a few other reasons statistically speaking:

  • VBS is the largest evangelistic effort Southern Baptists are involved in each year.
  • More professions of faith are made and more prospects found as a result of VBS than any other event.
  • Approximately 7,000 decisions for Christ are reported annually through VBS in Alabama.
  • In a week of VBS, which meets three hours a day, children have more Bible exposure than in two months of Sunday School.

There is much more to “Why VBS?” than just numbers:

  • The Church working together creates unity.
  • VBS helps find and mentor new Sunday School and discipleship leaders.
  • It is a fun spiritual event designed for the whole family which focuses on Bible study and life application.
  • It is an outreach ministry – inviting the unchurched in your community to join you.
  • It is a discipleship ministry: Men, women, teens, boys, and girls who already have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ come to VBS and grow deeper in their faith.
  • It is an evangelistic ministry: VBS is all about sharing the Gospel!

That point leads us to remember that VBS is meant to lead all ages to know and respond to Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit.

VBS Week has a way of reaching people like no other.

Through VBS, we learn head knowledge and memorize God’s Word.

Through VBS, our hearts are touched and decisions are made to follow Christ, and in turn, we go out and use our hands and feet and lives to draw others to Jesus.

Why VBS? Because by combining fun, energetic environments and activities with intentional conversations about Jesus, we teach the next generation to know and love our great God!

Why VBS? Because we love Jesus and we want others to love Him too!

Information gathered from It’s Worth It, LifeWay, Landry Holmes and the LifeWay Administrative Guide.

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