Just a babysitter? No, an instrument God can use
If you are a preschool teacher at church, I’m sure this question has come to mind before. The fact that you change diapers, wipe snotty noses and clean sticky hands

Assisting families with children who have special needs
This question can be touchy and difficult. Many families that have a child with special needs may not attend church because they feel their child is a burden or because

Why is requiring background checks important?
Background checks have become a necessity in children’s ministry over the past 10 to 15 years. It is sad our world has changed so much, but this means we must

How Do I minister to parents with young children?
As you probably know, being a parent is not easy. Parents are stretched to their furthest boundaries with work, children’s extracurricular activities, school, appointments, family get-togethers, friends and house chores.

What Do I Look for When Choosing Curriculum?
When deciding which curriculum to use for your class or children’s ministry, it is important to be intentional. A lot of people say, “I want to bring meat to my

What is the No. 1 Subject that should close a Bible Study?
I love the way the stories in the Bible reveal so much about God and His relationship with us, His relationship to the world and His power. Sometimes, especially with

Should you have Children’s Worship during your Sunday Service?
Do you have children’s worship during your Sunday morning service? If so, you might have music, games, snack, special activities and Bible study. I love all these components of children’s

Who Will Train Our Children?
Matthew, Mark and Luke all tell the story of a group of moms (parents) who heard Jesus was in town. These moms wanted their children to meet Jesus. They wanted

Bible Drill Carries On Through Pandemic
COVID-19 has had a major impact on many ministries the past two years, but church leaders have overcome the hurdles and carried on. When it comes to Bible Drill, three