Preschool Minister Shares Tips For Laying A Strong Spiritual Foundation

Most churches want to draw more families with young children. Along with the joys of ministering to preschoolers come challenges as well. From bed babies to toddlers, three biblical foundations […]
Why teaching children in your church is important

Teaching children in church is important because of two main reasons: It is biblical. Children are the church. Still, working with children can be exhausting, and sometimes you can feel […]
Confronting discipline issues in children’s ministry

This is one of the more difficult issues in children’s ministry. Your No. 1 task as a teacher is to lovingly share the gospel, while also juggling authority and respect. […]
Just a babysitter? No, an instrument God can use

If you are a preschool teacher at church, I’m sure this question has come to mind before. The fact that you change diapers, wipe snotty noses and clean sticky hands […]
How Do I minister to parents with young children?

As you probably know, being a parent is not easy. Parents are stretched to their furthest boundaries with work, children’s extracurricular activities, school, appointments, family get-togethers, friends and house chores. […]
What is the No. 1 Subject that should close a Bible Study?

I love the way the stories in the Bible reveal so much about God and His relationship with us, His relationship to the world and His power. Sometimes, especially with […]
Online Resources for Small Groups

Friends and Fellow Ministers: These are fast-moving times for life and ministry during this COVID-19 season. Perhaps, you are wrestling with decisions today about what to do next at your […]
COVID-19 & Teaching Remotely if your Church Isn’t Meeting

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected all of us, and there is more to come. I went to the grocery store to shop for a friend and found that shelves were bare. […]
As VBS approaches, here are some helpful tips

Vacation Bible School (VBS) remains the No. 1 outreach event for Southern Baptist churches. It has the potential to affect the eternal destiny of children and families in your community. […]
Flashpoint Conference Aims to Get Back to Making Disciples Like Jesus Intended

He was strung up by his arms in an Asian prison when the man came up to him and asked to know about his Jesus. “If I tell you, they […]