Bible Drill helps increase Bible knowledge

With spring just around the corner, Bible Drill is in full force for hundreds of students across Alabama. A ministry undergirded by Alabama Baptists’ gifts through the Cooperative Program, Bible […]

As VBS approaches, here are some helpful tips

Vacation Bible School (VBS) remains the No. 1 outreach event for Southern Baptist churches. It has the potential to affect the eternal destiny of children and families in your community. […]

How to Have A Great Vacation Bible School

Prayer: Emphasize that Vacation Bible School is a Spiritual Event and encourage prayer. Observe National Day of Prayer for VBS on May 15, 2016 and pray that people are saved. […]

Why They Stay

Why They Stay Dr. Steve R. Parr and Dr. Tom Crites Why They Stay has a strong message for church strengthening and revitalization: invest in the future of the church […]

My Beginnings As Sunday School Director

“If you don’t like how he’s doing it, why don’t you do it yourself?” These stinging words came from my wife’s mouth just after I had expressed frustration with my […]