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Vacation Bible School is the largest evangelistic effort Southern Baptists are involved in during a year. More professions of faith are made and more prospects are found as a result of Vacation Bible School than any other event we do. Approximately 7,000 decisions for Christ are reported annually through VBS in Alabama.

Associations provide training and encouragement for local churches to make preparation easier. Early planning increases awareness of Vacation Bible School and increases enrollment by local churches. Training also reduces anxiety in “new” teachers. Contact your association for the date of your associational clinic. Many of these new teachers will teach in Sunday School and other program areas of the church.

2024 Lifeway VBS: Breaker Rock Beach

2025 Lifeway VBS: Magnified!

Prospect Gathering

Churches are encouraged to use Vacation Bible School as a “prospect gathering” effort. Vacation Bible School will open and reveal places and ways we can share. This becomes more and more important as Alabama Baptists continue the “decade to make a difference”. A growing church will have as many prospects as it has Sunday School enrollment.


Annually Alabama Baptist churches reported more than 155,000 girls and boys, youth and adults in Vacation Bible School. In a week of Bible School which meets three hours a day, children have more Bible exposure than two months of Sunday School.
