“Wild” for Vacation Bible School
Can you imagine an event at your church: where seven months of ministry growth is gained in one week? where the Gospel is shared daily? where more than half of

Vacation Bible School impacts many lives, continues to win children to Christ
Mechell Bice says she doesn’t remember the name of the man who prayed with her in 1977, but she does remember his face. She was 7 and attending Vacation Bible

Bible Drill helps increase Bible knowledge
With spring just around the corner, Bible Drill is in full force for hundreds of students across Alabama. A ministry undergirded by Alabama Baptists’ gifts through the Cooperative Program, Bible

As VBS approaches, here are some helpful tips
Vacation Bible School (VBS) remains the No. 1 outreach event for Southern Baptist churches. It has the potential to affect the eternal destiny of children and families in your community.

Taylor Road hosts State Bible Drill, Speakers Tournament
Taylor Road Baptist Church, Montgomery, hosted the 2018 State Bible Drill and Speakers Tournament on April 28. Pictured are the participants. The winners of the Youth Bible Drill are first

New Online Training Resource to Help Sunday School Leaders
t’s almost time. Sunday School leaders (both within Alabama and from other states) are only days away from access to a new online training resource. An Aug. 13 event will

Flashpoint Conference Aims to Get Back to Making Disciples Like Jesus Intended
He was strung up by his arms in an Asian prison when the man came up to him and asked to know about his Jesus. “If I tell you, they

Relational Discipleship Resurfaces while Church Programs Lose Fans
When you ask Daniel Edmonds about where the Church is headed with discipleship these days, he likes to quote Pastor Ken Adams — “Jesus started the Church the way He

Rediscover the Value of Enrolling People in Sunday School
It is hard to be on mission without identifying the mission field and making a commitment to cultivate the field. Recent church reports have many leaders concerned about the future