Assisting families with children who have special needs
This question can be touchy and difficult. Many families that have a child with special needs may not attend church because they feel their child is a burden or because […]
Why is requiring background checks important?
Background checks have become a necessity in children’s ministry over the past 10 to 15 years. It is sad our world has changed so much, but this means we must […]
What Do I Look for When Choosing Curriculum?
When deciding which curriculum to use for your class or children’s ministry, it is important to be intentional. A lot of people say, “I want to bring meat to my […]
Should you have Children’s Worship during your Sunday Service?
Do you have children’s worship during your Sunday morning service? If so, you might have music, games, snack, special activities and Bible study. I love all these components of children’s […]
Who Will Train Our Children?
Matthew, Mark and Luke all tell the story of a group of moms (parents) who heard Jesus was in town. These moms wanted their children to meet Jesus. They wanted […]
Talking with Children about COVID-19 & Re-entering Social Situations
With the lifting of some COVID-19 guidelines, some churches have chosen to gather in person for worship for the first time in several weeks. With this decision comes a variety […]
6 Considerations for Reopening Your Kids Ministry
Churches are beginning to discuss their plans to resume corporate worship, small group Bible studies and children’s ministries. After several weeks of isolation and distance ministry, the question has shifted […]
Online Resources for Small Groups
Friends and Fellow Ministers: These are fast-moving times for life and ministry during this COVID-19 season. Perhaps, you are wrestling with decisions today about what to do next at your […]
COVID-19 & Teaching Remotely if your Church Isn’t Meeting
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected all of us, and there is more to come. I went to the grocery store to shop for a friend and found that shelves were bare. […]
Vacation Bible School impacts many lives, continues to win children to Christ
Mechell Bice says she doesn’t remember the name of the man who prayed with her in 1977, but she does remember his face. She was 7 and attending Vacation Bible […]